IPConfig not working

Ipconfig not working

  1. Go to Properties in My computer → Advanced system settings → Advanced → Environment Variables.
  2. Select ‘PATH’ from the list of system variables and edit and set PATH to c:\windows\system32;.

This will solve your problem.

If the ipconfig command in Windows 10 still doesn’t work even after you’ve added the path variables, there might be a problem with the program file it needs to run. If that file is missing or broken, you’ll see a message saying ipconfig isn’t working.

If the file needed for ipconfig is missing or broken, you can try these steps to fix it:

1: Check for Missing File: First, make sure the necessary file is indeed missing. Look for the file named “ipconfig.exe” in the “C:\Windows\System32” folder. If it’s not there, you may need to restore it.

2: Windows Repair Tool: Windows has built-in tools for repairing system files. Open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges (right-click on Command Prompt and select “Run as administrator”) and then run the following command:

sfc /scannow

This command will scan and attempt to repair missing or corrupted system files.

3. Windows Update: Ensure your Windows is up to date. Sometimes, missing or broken files can be fixed through Windows updates.

4. System Restore: If the problem started recently, you can try using the System Restore feature to revert your computer to a state where ipconfig was working. This will not affect your personal files but will undo system changes made after the restore point.

5: Reinstall TCP/IP Stack: If ipconfig is specifically not working for network-related tasks, you can try resetting the TCP/IP stack. Open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges and run these commands:

netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

6: Reinstall Windows Feature: As a last resort, you can try reinstalling the networking feature in Windows. Open PowerShell with administrative privileges and run this command:

Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like ‘Client*Net*’

Look for the feature related to networking and note its name. Then, install it using this command:

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name “NameOfTheFeature”

Replace “NameOfTheFeature” with the actual feature name.

If none of these steps work, you may need to consider more in-depth troubleshooting or seek assistance from a computer technician, as there could be underlying issues with your Windows installation that require specialized attention.

Click the following link to learn about all IPConfig commands and how to use them.

How to use Ipconfig command

Understanding ipconfig Commands and Their Uses Ipconfig (short for Internet Protocol Configuration) is a command-line tool used to display and configure network …